What we do

Our taskforces:

  • AK first-semesters
  • AK students
  • AK EDP-Website
  • AK Bauigelfest-kiosk
  • AK blooddonation
  • AK events
  • AK dishes
  • AK finance

"AK first-semesters"

German ravioli eating at thursday pre-semesterstart.

Welcome-event at monday.

Welcome-packages to start of course.

First-semesters bar hopping at tuesday.

Weisswurst/Bavarian veel sausage breakfast with the students council.

The goal of this taskforce is to simplify students the arrival at the University and in Stuttgart. If you want to help new first-semesters, you're welcome to participate and answer questions regarding the study-life, orientation at the Campus and the best bars to visit. This taskforce is most activ in the months and weeks before the semesterstart.

"AK students"

The day of open house, which takes place multiple times a year. Hopefully, someday we're able again to cook together, talk about up and downs of study-life, print T-shirts and much more.
